A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon knight class.
He is a magi in his order and is The Silver Smith of The Silver Tower.
A demon knight who uses The Power of the King. He is a member of The Arcane Order whose patron is the elemental magic demon god in his world.
He is a humanoid demon who has pale white skin and two red dots instead of eyebrows. He has a widow's peak and long, straight silver hair which reaches his neck. It parts in an M on either side of his head. He has colorless eyes with no pupils and straight, immaculate white teeth. He wears a white trench coat with two black, fingerless gloves. He also wears a black jumpsuit under his coat with two black boots. He is tall and thin and stands at 6'7.
Nuru is a demon who loves to figure out what makes others tick. He pulls voids out of people like a mad scientist and is fascinated by each one. It is his goal to find the most beautiful void and make it the centerpiece amongst his collection of voids he has pulled out of countless others. He does not care about the lives of ordinary beings, but is only interested in the potential void that they can create. He is not a fighter, and his purpose in The Arcane Order is to create voids as a weaponsmith. He will often go out into the field to find some truly exception specimens however.
Various Weapon Fighting Skills - He can use most weapons to a high degree of skill.
Signature Technique: The Power of the King
Secret Technique: Requip
Forbidden Technique: Dazzling Reveal - He can pull a void out of himself. His own void takes the form of four machine-like arms that are attached to a harness. When worn, the arms can move to the user's will and act as extra arms. He uses these to use 6 voids at once.
Ultimate Technique: Silver Civilization - He can combine voids together to make a new and more powerful one.