Archive of the Celestial Han Empire Wiki

Hei Tian

A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon noble class.

He has since risen and become the archduke who leads the alliance of demon knights: The Elemental Alliance.

Thunder magic demon knight


A demon knight who once served in The Arcane Order. He is a loud, brash, and crass demon who is boisterous, braggartly, and loud. He exaggerates and tells tall tales, but has the strength to do really ridiculous things. He is a conqueror with a loud spirit and enjoys a good fight with a worthy enemy.


Thunder Magic

Hand to Hand Combat Expert

Signature Technique: Thunder Blow

Multiple Thunder Blows in a flurry of fists.

Thunder's Arrival

Secret Technique: Booming Step


Thunder Step: Thunder Step is a more powerful version of Wind Step that makes his body look like lightning instead if wind.

Forbidden Technique: Impact Shock

Thunder's Retribution

Ultimate Technique: Thundering God's Shout

Unstoppable Force: Hei Tian charges towards the target area knocking enemies into the air and stunning them around the impact. 

Thunder's Judgment 


Demon Stone
