Archive of the Celestial Han Empire Wiki
Archive of the Celestial Han Empire Wiki

The deadliest army in all of existence. Headed by The Golden General, even a single soldier is able to change the course of a war. The basic soldier is usually equipped with cyber armor that can jet forward so that they can move in impossible ways, 2 sonic grenades, eye scanners, their own AI, a pulse rifle, a pistol, and a vibrato knife. The armors can also do many other things such as provide stims to the soldier for cleansing or battle, enhancing physical abilities, or interfacing with advanced systems, etc.

Officers are usually equipped further with a retractable power shield on the left forearm, and with an omni tool/blade on the right forearm usually.

The colors are black trimmed with red with the symbol of the dragon caduceus crossed around a sword on the back, with the personal symbol over the heart, and the specific division on the left arm section. The right arm section has the rank of the Dark Army on it.

Specialized Units Include:

Juggernaut Armor Soldiers - Soldiers who don Juggernaut Armor: Armor that is extremely heavily plated and are equipped to weather the strongest of punishments from enemies. They increase the user's defense and power to the max and usually carry heavy weaponry. While normal cyber armor focuses on mobility, this armor focuses on raw defense and power.

Gigant Armor Soldiers - Soldiers who don the Gigant Armor: Gigantic armor that is several meters tall. These are meant to storm keeps and obliterate the front lines of enemies. They are like giant mechanized knights and are nigh unstoppable on the battlefield.

They are headed by the Supreme General: The Golden General

High General of Defense: Marcus Vasilius

High General of Offense: Liu Xin

Cao Xue (Deceased)

Caius Vasilius (Retired)

High Generals
