A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon knight class.

A demon knight who uses Sword Aura to bolster the power of his sword. He serves in the legions of the sun soul reaper 3 eyed oni demon great celestial as a member of The Order of Demon Aura.
Ezyl is a mysterious demon who speaks little. He interacts little with others but will fight under the direction of his order. Actually, he used to be the scion of a great demon household. After his household was destroyed overnight and he was left for dead, he left on a path to vengeance. His was a great swordsman's household. Therefore, he left to achieve revenge with the hilt of his broken sword. He eventually found The Order of Demon Aura and learned to use Sword Aura. When he has mastered it and is confident of his success, he will take vengeance upon the other house that wiped out his family.
He is melancholy, quiet, and dedicated. He fights to sharpen his skills and he thirsts for power. Underneath everything is a simmering anger and a cold, detached part of him that will see things through to the end.
Great Determination
Signature Technique: Sword Aura - Divine Flame Blade: His sword aura takes the form of the sigil of his former family. It burns behind his back like a burning giant halo behind him. These flames can be manipulated by him to empower or burn what he wishes. This fire burns with holy might. It is inimical to evil and will scorch it by burning stronger the more evil the enemy he faces. He typically uses it to craft a blade of burning divine flame to extend from the hilt of his broken greatsword only, and will hide the sigil unless he truly wishes to exterminate his enemy with all his might.
Secret Technique: Sigil of Justice - When he releases the sigil behind his back, divine righteousness and holy power flows through his body. His attacks gain 50% stronger with 50% less cost. So an attack using 100% of his force becomes 150% while the effort is only 50%.
Forbidden Technique: Avatar of Divine Flame - As a demon, he cannot bear the Divine Flames within his body, and they cannot be wrapped around him. He can do so to gain explosive power, but the longer and more he uses this technique, the more his demon's body is consumed.
Ultimate Technique: Divine Flame Blade of Judgment - He can send all his power and Divine Flame into the hilt in his hand. The sword can release a torrent of flame and extend to create a massive sword of holy fire. It has immense reach and destructive power and scours the world of evil with its' cleansing flame.
Plate Armor
Hilt of a Greatsword