A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon knight class.
A demon knight who uses magic to strengthen his raw power. He dwells in the Arcane Demon Realm and serves in The Arcane Order.
Ashar is a humanoid demon who stands at 6'7. He is tall, broad and powerful. He is thickly muscled with a great physique. He has green skin and crimson eyes. he has wild orange hair bound into a ponytail that explodes outwards past the bindings like a star. He wears no shirt, but wears black trousers. He has sky blue, swirling tribal tattoos all over his torso. He wears no shoes. He has long and sharp nails and toenails. He has jagged teeth, a flat jaw and a blunt nose. He has wide features.
He is a brute that believes in the strong dominating the weak. He is confident in his power and revels in violence. He enjoys worldly pleasures and does nothing but follow his Order's commands and play all day.
Great Raw Power - He has the strength of an ogryn without enhancing his power.
Hand to Hand Fighting Skills
Signature Technique: Arcane Power - Using this technique, he has the power of an ogre with a compact frame. He is able to fight in this state for hours.
Secret Technique: Power Redirection
-Titan Arms = Can strengthen his arms to have the raw power of a titan.
-Flash Kick = Can strengthen his legs to have the power and speed of a thundering kangaroo.
-Eagle Eyes = Can strengthen his eyes to see for miles, see in the dark, increase his reflexes immensely, or to be able to see microscopic details.
-Predator Hearing = Can strengthen his ears to be able to amplify his hearing several fold.
-Golden Rod = Can strengthen his golden rod to become a being of godly lust.
-Invincible Skin = Can strengthen his skin to be as strong as metal.
-Hound of Hell = Can strengthen his nose to be able to amplify his smell several fold.
-Infernal Glutton = Can strengthen his tongue to be able to amplify his taste several fold.
Forbidden Technique: Power Burst
Ultimate Technique: Magic Power Arm