A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon class.

A powerful demon who can manipulate the world with his mind with great concentration and skill. He serves in the legions of the eye kamikaze demon great celestial.
Umanos is a demon that is ponderous and wise, having lived many years. He is powerful and does not like to engage in violence unless forced to. He is patient, neutral, and logical. He prefers to spend his time in solitude reading.
Parallel Thinking
Great Wisdom
Great Concentration
Great Intelligence
Signature Technique: Telekinesis - Each of his 17 hands is able to use telekinesis to manipulate objects. Each hand can manipulate a human's mass with ease.
Secret Technique: By adding the psychic powers of multiple hands together, he can stack their power of telekinesis together to manipulate more mass.
Ultimate Technique: He can use all his hands to concentrate and exert an immense amount of telekinetic power upon a target.