Archive of the Celestial Han Empire Wiki


A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon noble class.

He is a duke in his kingdom.


A demon knight who is blessed by the demon god of magic. He uses all sorts of magic to masterful effect in war. He is the leader of The Arcane Path and the founder and first commander of The Arcane Order.

Xylus is a 5'9 humanoid demon wrapped in a black robe. He has dusky gray skin and a bald head with pointed ears and eyes of azure. He has a long black beard, high cheekbones, and a thin visage. His eyes a bored into his head and he has bags under his eyes as well as many wrinkles. His robe is stylized with many runes threaded in gold and silver and he wears wizard slippers. His fingernails are long and pointy and his fingers are long and thin. Overall, he is a thin creature to the point of almost being emaciated.

He is a studious creature who seeks to unlock all the ways of magic. He spends much of his time in research when he is not governing his alliance, and one day seeks to become a god of magic. When his curiosity is inspired, he cares about little else but pursuing what mystifies him. He can spend hours debating on magic and can lose himself in his enjoyment of the mind. But in combat, he mercilessly puts down his enemies and does so without a thought using his immense power.

He is the founder of The Arcane Order and constructed it's headquarters: The Tower of the Infernal Arcane.


Mastery over all sorts of Magic

High Intellect

High Wisdom

Immense Mana Pool

Signature Technique: Immensely Powerful Basic Spells - Xylus can use basic spells, and imbue them with immense power by overcharging them with his mana.

Secret Technique: Ancient Magic - He can use magic that was thought to be lost to the river of time.

Forbidden Technique: Forbidden Magic - He can use forbidden black magic at a cost.

Ultimate Technique: Unholy Fall
