Archive of the Celestial Han Empire Wiki

Frostbane Abyss

Current High General of Borders in the Celestial Han Empire Dark Army.

He is one of the 13 High Generals, and his duty is managing all aspects of territorial defense and offense, as well as border control.


The true appearance of the Li Xin is shrouded in mystery. He is known to be quite handsome, elegant and always in a serious tone or mood. During his technical human self, he has blonde long hair and dark brown eyes, stands 6'2 tall. He dons a white armour, with pink (gradient colour, from wine red to pink) exterior markings, as well as a purplish pink crystal at the chest of his armour. He has a dark purple to pink gradient coloured greatsword, with a bronze handle with 4 smaller pink crystals implanted within the bronze, the crystals seemingly powering the blade. Because he is mostly elegant and serious, most people would not talk to him, since they are either afraid or they think that they would be boring.

In his "God form", he is a lot stronger than his human self, and is mostly used when facing strong opponents. This form quite strong, still able to match the strength of the fellow High Generals. He transforms into a flaming celestial, his armour now completely changed into yellow, orange and red gradient coloured fire armour, with some cloud formed shapes on his shoulder. His arm is yellow with orange on his hands. His hair shifts into a red/orange hair, and his eyes are now changed into "fire orbs", with dark red outlining and a yellow interior. The greatsword he wields is now changed, into a flaming blade, still keeping the bronze handle, but now the pink crystals and blade are removed, with a dark red fire shapes on the end and tip of the blade, and orange and yellow in between, the blade it self looks like a couple of flames shifted to shapes to build the sword. He is a ranged unit in this form, with all his abilities allowing him to shift to place within a certain range, or dealing damage by sending flaming particles / objects.

In his "Demon form", Li Xin is now at his strongest state, which is also when The Golden General says that Li Xin is technically unbeatable in this form partially becuase the form is very strong, and that Li Xin himself cannot really control this form, where he might even harm his own teammates, even though he says this is really rare. This form transforms him to a complete different person that the God form, where he has ice / frozen armour, with dark blue - purple (from afar like black but it has a obvious blue and purple tint) from his boots, leggings and up to his belt, and side waist armour, then pale dark blue for most of his chest, and completely white from around his shoulders and neck. Instead of the smoke particles on his shoulder for the God form, he now has a sort of string, formed by multiple ice spikes on both sides, with the largest (right on his shoulder) in a light blue to dark blue gradient, the rest are dark blue. His arm is light blue and it goes dark blue at his hand. He has white hair, and dark blue "empty" eyes, giving a deadly stare. His greatsword still keeps the bronze handle, and his blade is more neatly shaped, with some ice spikes forming it up and some other ones surrounding the main blade. This time however, he has a large pink crystal and the middle of the blade (middle meaning where the blade meets the handle and in the middle). He is a melee unit, and he now swings his blade really fast, with a passive lifesteal ability.

He has a pet, which has a God and Demon form, with the same colours and shapes as Li Xin's forms, with the God form beast able to breath fire, and the Demon form able to spray ice. His pet technically helps Li Xin with his abilities.

As one of the High Generals, he is highly respected, by soldiers, the people and his fellow Generals. He is more of a lone-wolf but helps the team if needed. He is an old friend of The Golden General. He has a history of being one of the strongest celestials in existence, with The Golden General saying that Li Xin is on par with/and maybe able to defeat himself, yet Li Xin never approves or denies the fact, and only people like The Golden General know about Li Xin's powerful history. He was known to have slayed slain a dragon with two blade swings, similar to his Frost Marking ability, although this was only seen and never certain, although at the time when that happened, there was a dead dragon recorded to have been slain in an instant, provided by some soldiers patrolling nearby.


Frost Enhancement

Frost Manipulation

Lightning Enhancement

Lightning Manipulation

Fire Enhancement

Fire Manipulation

God Form

Demon Form

Elemental healing

Lifesteal ability

God Form abilities:

  • Rush of Hope: Li Xin gathered strength and rushed in the designated direction. While charging in this ability, Li Xin is immune controls, so he can swiftly escape or rush into a battle without needing to be scared of for example, being frozen by ice magic. He is also immune to any sort of elemental damage while charging, and freezing abilities wont work until he reaches the chosen area within a certain range. The longer he charges, the stronger the attack is and the further the range
  • Swift Slash: Li Xin sends four flaming spinning blade projectiles at the designated target, harming enemies in his path, and if the sword energy hits the enemy, the blades will help Li Xin regain some health. He swings out four sword / blade projectiles, one second per projectile.
  • Wings of Light (Signature ability): Li Xin accumulates strength, and after the end, he slashes out three sword projectiles (Like sword pillars rising from the ground) in the specified direction. He is immune to any controls when charging up, just like the Rush of Hope. This ability is very strong, and Li Xin does not need to wait too long for the ability to be used again.
  • Radiant Blade (Passive ability): Every time he uses an ability, his blade lights up with flames, and he can send a flaming projectile at a target, within the same radius as his abilities.
  • Sun Splitter (Ultimate ability): Li Xin channels the radiant energy of the sun into his blade, harnessing its overwhelming power to unleash a devastating attack. Upon activation, Li Xin becomes surrounded by a bright aura, significantly increasing his damage resistance and movement speed for a brief period. He then performs a powerful downward slash, creating a massive wave of solar energy that travels forward, dealing damage to all enemies in its path.

Demon Form abilities:

  • Fearless Rush: Li Xin charges, during which he is immune controls. This ability restores a bit of health every second for a certain time. When charged fully, Li Xin will be have higher movement speed and attack speed for a small while.
  • Nether Slash: A unique ability of Li Xin - Once enemies are marked with this ability (the ability is straight and in a small radius) will immediately lose 20% speed, 20% attack speed and 5 - 10% attack power (stronger enemies) when Li Xin hits the marked enemies, his lifesteal ability is drastically increased, which allows Li XIn to stay in battle for long periods of time. The ability when used, sends out two large blade projectiles (in a X formation and the blade projectiles look kind of like a half moon) from Li XIn's greatsword, in a cross formation. The two swings deal a certain amount of damage, based on the enemies level / power
  • Shadow Eruption (Signature ability): Li Xin powers up his body with full strength and immediately his whole body is covered in a Ice and lightning hue. He strikes the ground beneath with his greatsword and a circle of power forms beneath his body, and in quick flash, his beast pet comes up and together with him, they form a ice mountain from the ground, striking up high and sending enemies flying within a radius. Even the strongest celestials are affected, but they won't be sent flying, except they will be hit by the rush of power, receiving a dizziness affect for a second before coming back to their senses
  • Chain Lightning: A passive skill of Li Xin - Every hit of his weapon that lands on the enemy immediately deals lightning damage and enemies in a certain radius will be affected and hit by the lightning bolts. (He swings his blade very fast, so the lightning effect is technically permanent if the same person is in front) The skill continues up to 10 enemies. (10 enemies max are chained by lightning per swing / hit of him) Every blade that hits has a lifesteal effect, and he will regain a small amount of health.
  • Void Crusher (Ultimate ability): Summoning the dark energies of the void, Li Xin channels his power to create a swirling vortex of shadows around him. After a brief moment of concentration, he thrusts his greatsword into the ground, unleashing a massive shockwave of void energy that pulls in all nearby enemies and deals damage. The void energy then erupts, dealing additional damage and applying a debuff that reduces the enemies defences for a short time.


Li Xin's Greatsword (Changeable)

Armour of Li XIn (Changeable)
