A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon knight class.

A battlemage demon knight who utilizes magic with his fist techniques to become an unmatched hand to hand combat fighter. He is a member of The Arcane Order whose patron is the angel patchwork demon god.
Helbrandt is a demon who is a warlord of might and magic. He is powerful and is one who is feared by lesser beings. He does not tolerate failure, and will not hesitate to bloody his own hands. He seeks to master the fist through magic and will make his way through battlefields to hone himself.
Hand to Hand Combat Expert
Signature Technique: Arcane Fist
Secret Technique: Enchantment: Boost
Forbidden Technique: Arcane Destruction
Ultimate Technique: Supreme Arcane Fist - By channeling all his mana into one fist, he can make a giant ghostly image of blue mana that is many times his size that can strike with the force of a giant.