A member of The Dark Army Imagine Corps. He is classified at the infernal level, demon lord class.

A demon knight that was created and enslaved by the demon god of magic. He was given blood magic to use and eventually became a member and then commander of The Arcane Order.
Eki is a bright demon knight who was created with the intention of spreading blood magic throughout the demon world. However, his true passion lay in engineering. For years, he learned engineering before he was called back by his god to fulfill his purpose. He was an engineering genius at the Demon Institute of Technology and was unparalleled in magitech. As such, he combined his blood magic and technology to create Hemomagitech, the art of using blood magic with machines in tandem. He bitterly performs his duty, but still loves to tinker. His goal is to one day strengthen the order he is a part of enough to have a successor and retire so he can continue living his own life. But for now, he obediently follows his god's decrees.
He is a smart and bright eyed demon who loves to learn. He loves to fiddle with his hands and create. However, he was created to become a leader and a destroyer. As such, he has become bitter and cold. He orders his subordinates like chess pieces and disposable tools while racing towards strengthening his order to buy his freedom. He is rational and calculating on the battlefield and overwhelms his enemy with his mind, his might, and his magic.
Behind the scenes[]
High Intelligence
Blood Magic
Great Swordsmanship
Creator of Hemomagitech
Can call down the power of the demon god of magic.
Can bestow power unto others.
Demon Pressure
Signature Technique: Blood Nanites - He uses them to shape his clothes into machines he can manipulate and recreate at will. He uses his scarf principally as a shield and a slashing blade.
His crafted Blood Nanites are especially immune to:
-They are also extremely durable and are harder than steel.
Blood Burst - Sends Blood Nanites out in an omnidirectional splash with each droplet forming a needle capable of penetrating steel.
Red Drill - Forms a drill out of Blood Nanites.
Red Hammer - Forms a hammer out of Blood Nanites.
Blood Barrage - Forms a barrage of needle shaped Blood Nanites.
Red Mace - Forms a mace out of Blood Nanites.
Red Rain - Forms a rain of Blood Nanites that rain down upon an enemy in a shower of needles.
Crimson Arm - He can form a giant arm out of Blood Nanites that has great strength and range.
Blood Prison - Can trap and bind enemies with the Blood Nanites by encasing their bodies in them.
Red Bomber - Can detonate his Blood Nanites like bombs.
Secret Technique: Hemogolems - He can use Blood Nanites to create living beings of any shape and size to do his bidding. The more powerful the servant, the more Blood Nanites are needed to create it.
Scarlet Eaters - He can make his Blood Nanites eat organic material in order to strengthen itself.
Crimson Poison - He can send Blood Nanites into an enemy's body in the form of mist in order to attack it from the inside.
-Crimson Plague - These attacking Blood Nanites can spread from living being to living being like a disease.
Blood Spikes - Blood Nanites that have dropped onto the ground can remotely spike upwards to spear unsuspecting enemies.
Bloody Blow - Blood Nanites on the ground can remotely be activated to strike bluntly at an enemy from the ground.
Cleansing Nanites - Blood Nanites specially programmed to cleanse the body of dirty things.
Blood Drive - Used Blood Nanites can be reabsorbed to be recycled to an extent.
Blood Puppet - He can send his Blood Nanites into his enemy's brain through orifices through mist. They then send electrical impulses into the enemy's brain and allow him to control the enemy's movements.
Bloody Dead - He can send his Blood Nanites into corpses and cover their bones in order to crudely control their movements.
Fa Jin
Forbidden Technique: Red Homunculus
Crimson Destroyer - He can make his Blood Nanites continuously spread from the ground as they eat everything organic and use the organic matter to multiply endlessly. They keep spreading and multiplying until there is no more organic matter, they are destroyed, or they run out of energy.
Ultimate Technique: Crimson Blade
Red Spears - He can make his Blood Nanites form into thousands of red lances that fly from the sky upon enemies.
Crimson Avatar - He can create a giant image of the upper half of an armored warrior around his body that is dozens of meters tall and envelop himself in it. This avatar mimics his movements and has extremely high durability. The avatar is constructed from Blood Nanites.
Flight Boots - Made from Blood Nanites. Made for high agility and short distances. Very versatile.
Fying Disc - Made from Blood Nanites. Made for high speed and long distances. Very stable.
Blood Halo - Made from Blood Nanites. Can store Blood Nanites in a pocket dimension in a huge quantity. He constantly uses blood every day to continue to fill up the Blood Halo so he will always have magic and materials available for protracted battles or times when he needs a colossal amount of them.
Blood Crown - Made from Blood Nanites. Can block psychic intrusion.
Eagle Eye - A monocle made from Blood Nanites that can enhance the user's vision dozens of times over. It can also change to different light spectrums.